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Let’s talk auctions!

Need a faster, easier way to get the best price possible for your surplus, unique, or one of a kind items?

Lake Country Sales’ online auction service can sell all types of personal property. With our service, Bemidji area clients contact us about the items they want to sell, and we post information and photos on a timed online auction format. Buyers are then able to view the items and receive more details during scheduled inspection times prior to the close of the sale.

We provide complete personal and commercial property auction services for full or partial lines including household items, antiques, collectibles, tools & shop related equipment, vehicles, sporting goods, boats, trailers, farm and outdoor equipment, lawn & garden and more! We sell it all for you, whether it is one item or the entire business or estate. With Lakes Country Sales auction marketing, we are able to attract world buyers to your auctions.

Services we offer:

  • Free estimates on giving you the best base price for your items.
  • Excellent quality pictures of your items that will be placed on the website for buyers to bid on.
  • Low commission based on your item.
  • You get your check for the sold items within two weeks of the sale closing date.

For Estates:

Lake Country Sales is your single source solution provider. During life changes, families have many decisions to make. Lake Country Sales can help relieve the stress of having to make many of the decisions. In addition to selling the personal property, we can help prepare your home for sale. We can coordinate cleaning, lawn maintenance, or home repairs as needed. We can also connect you with an attorney or realtor.

sled auction appraiser

Whether you have one item or it all, consign with Lake Country Sales!

Lake Country Sales – Where Buyers & Sellers Meet!

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